Wellness, Self-Care, Fertility Tips, Acupuncture EducationMarisa Kahlich L.AcTexas Center for Reproductive AcupunctureDUTCH test, dried urine test, hormone testing, hormonal testing, comprehensive hormonal testing, comprehensive dried urine test, DUTCH cycle mapping, DUTCH complete, DUTCH OATS, hormonal dysfunction, testing for hormonal dysfunction, DUTCH Test for fertility, DUTCH complete for fertility, DUTCH complete PCOS, DUTCH cycle mapping PCOS, unexplained infertility, irregular cycle, irregular cycles, cycle irregularity, fatigue, weight gain, cystic acne, facial hair women, mood swings, anxiety, depression, low libido, hot flashes, insomnia, trouble sleeping, menopause, menopausal, postmenopausal, postmenopause, HRT, hormone replacement therapy, saliva blood test, serum blood test, metabolites, adrenals, cortisol levels, cortisone levels, adrenal levels, neurotransmitter metabolites, dopamine, organic acids, estrogen imbalance, progesterone, progesterone imbalance, chronic anxietyy, PCOS, PCOS symptom, anovulatory, bitch control, IUD, IUI, IVF, precision analytica, insurance reimbursement, DUTCH test insurance, infertility cure, fertility issues, fertility clinic austin, fertility experts, fertility acupuncture, DUTCH test fertility, DUTCH test infertility, DUTCH test PCOS, DUTCH test HRT, HRT austin, low egg reserve, egg quality, improve egg quality, improve egg quality naturally, PCOS expert, PCOS cure, PCOS management
This week in the news, Gwyneth Paltrow admitted to having suffered from Postpartum Depression after the birth of her son Moses in 2006. In her weekly newsletter on GOOP, she not only talks about her personal experience with Postpartum Depression, but also has another mother and several doctors share their experiences and insight about this condition. The article is enlightening as
well as a good reminder of this very serious condition that is estimated to occur in about 10% of women postpartum. The article discusses symptoms to watch for as well as suggests treatment options.