Posts in Life Advice
How to welcome in Spring!

It’s time to shake off the lethargy of Winter, and reactivate your interest in the outer world. Spring is just a hop-skip-and-a-jump away, and that’s exactly what you should be doing to get the blood moving again!

While Fall and Winter are times to wind down, internalize, and conserve energy (both mentally and physically), Spring is the time to get moving, get outside, and clear away the stagnations of the colder seasons. Spring is the season of external growth during which everything that you have nurtured in the months of internal growth, during the Fall and Winter, begins to emerge.

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Tuning Into Body Intuition

It's likely that in the past week or so, you have been over-inundated by a constant and steady stream of advice, lists (and listicles!?), blogs, and motivational speeches of how to improve your life this year, and make it your best year ever.

There are lists for how to be healthier, happier, or lose weight; for how to find love, make your relationship perfect, be a better parent or lover or friend; how to get the job of your dreams, learn new skills, and be more creative; how to finally gain financial freedom and independence, and, of course, how to do all of these things all at once and live a life of perfect balance...  and, yes, even lists for how to keep your resolutions.

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An Explanation for Deep Breathing's Benefits According to TCM

Last week, Jennifer gave us a wonderful exercise called One Breath to help bring us increased relaxation and improved health to get us through the holiday season. One Breath is an exercise that can be done anywhere, at any time, and brings about health benefits instantly. Literally. 

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Philosophizing About Fall

To me, autumn is the most fascinating time of year. Spring has the miracle of new life and new growth; a burst of energy expelled outwards propelling us into renewal and action. Spring is a very external season, a time for shaking off the sleepiness of Winter and reengaging with the world. It makes sense then that Spring is the beginning of the yang cycle in Chinese philosophy. Yang is the active, male principle in nature represented by the sun. It is warmth, energy and light.

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Tax Time!

It's tax time...and did you know that both acupuncture treatments and fertility treatments can be written off? 

It's true! There are certain deductions you can make for healthcare expenses -- but there's a catch, of course.  These expenses have to be above and beyond the 10% level of your adjusted gross income (or 7.5% if you are aged 65 years or older). So what does that mean?  

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The Winter Skin Blues

It's not uncommon for skin to be dry and flaky and just generally sad at this point in the winter, so I wanted to share my regime to keep your skin radiant and happy from head to toe! I have combination skin (sometimes oily, sometimes dry) as well as psoriasis AND rosacea, so I have tried many, many different products. Over all, I like to keep my routine simple, natural, and clean; these are my tried and true faves!

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Home Remedies for the Common Cold, Chinese Medicine Style

A little knowledge and a few basic items at home can help you be prepared to nip a cold or flu in the bud, and help speed it on its way out of your body. As soon as you start feeling something coming on, that’s the time to take quick action, and make some tea. Treating it early is key for the best results.

What kind of tea? That depends on whether the bug is giving you symptoms of “cold” or “heat.”

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Turning Turkey Time Into Family Time for Kids

You guys I LOVE Thanksgiving. I think it is the perfect holiday...themes of gratitude and family with a feast at the center of the celebration, I mean come on! It's like it was designed just for me. I also love that it's non-religious so anyone can make it a part of their lives, regardless of any other personal dogma or beliefs. So, I know we all have our lists going and we've consulted our recipes and are stocking up on butter, but have you thought ahead to how to help your children through it?  Lots of people, travel, and a break in your routine, can add up to make it kind of stressful on the little people. Here are some tips for making this wonderful day truly full of love and joy for everyone!

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Keeping It Simple: Breathe

As we enter into the busy holiday season, I am reflecting upon what is the simplest easiest thing to do to enjoy the festivities and the people around me the most, and keep any stress at bay (I’m not one who by nature likes to shop or cook for potlucks, two things that holiday season often requires!).   If I had to pick one quick and easy thing that changes each day for the better every time I do it, it would be to start the day with a moment of deep breathing.

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Can Acupuncture Help My Allergies?

It’s fall in Austin, which means the temperature drops slightly, the wind picks up … and most of us want to be outside. This is the time of year when you hear folks say “Oh, it’s so nice today, what is it, 90?” With the weather improving, it’s a shame that more of us are experiencing issues with allergies. And I feel you, because I’m in the same boat as you, drifting through a sea of pollen.

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